JCare provides support to members and associates
of the Jewish community in Nottinghamshire

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Donate today
And help someone in need

Every Donation Counts
Just like the NHS, the JCare service is free at the point of use but of course, costs money to provide.
It costs us over £100,000 a year to provide our valuable service.
JCare was set up in 2017 and has been a great success. We were lucky to start with some capital and have managed to pay for our service with the income from our investments since we began. But demand continues to grow and now outstrips our income. We are starting to eat into our capital. While we can do this for a short while, clearly it is not sustainable.
We have never sought to raise money but any extra income from donations, large or small, will help us.
There are many ways you can help
Make a one-off donation to cover an event or to mark a special occasion
Set up a monthly donation to help us provide our ongoing services
Consider leaving us a bequest in your will.
Click on the Donate Now button to set up your donation
or please write to us at treasurer@jcare.org.uk if you have any questions.

Number of People Supported:
Gender of People Supported
Age Range of People Supported

JCare Annual Report Statistics For 2022
We commission Improving Lives, a Nottingham charity, to deliver our service. Improving Lives have a team of support workers and administrative staff dedicated to JCare.

Brand New JCare Website Goes Live
21 April 2023
We are delighted that our brand new JCare website is now ready. It will provide community
news and information about upcoming events and...

Summer Lunch on June 22nd at 12.30pm
21 April 2023
We’ll be celebrating the summer solstice this year with our Summer Lunch at 12.30 on the
22nd of June. Please make a note in your diary
JCare provides practical and emotional support to people of all ages in the local Jewish community and those associated with it.
Here are some examples of how we can help you and your loved ones:
Support to attend medical or other appointments
Emotional support and just being there for a friendly chat
Occasional help with shopping
Helping you deal with healthcare and social care organisations
Information and support for carers
We can also support people in financial need
JCare also organises social events and activities, particularly for the older members of the community.
We deliver our service through our own volunteers and with our partner Improving Lives.

What we do &
how we can help

Contact Us
Do you have a question about our service? Do you want to apply for support? Do you want to discuss making a financial contribution? Please write to us at enquiries@jcare.org.uk or complete the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
About Us
JCare is a registered charity (1180648) based in Nottingham. Our aims are to promote and protect the physical and mental health, and social welfare, of individuals living in the Nottingham area who need this type of support. We do this through a combination of practical support and advice,
delivered by our own volunteers and our partners at Improving Lives.